Monday, June 17, 2019

An Overview of the TRENDS Seminar

Donald Auzine serves as a realtor for Burns & Company in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. To stay current with his field’s developments, Donald Auzine attends the annual TRENDS Seminar in Baton Rouge.

The TRENDS Seminar is an annual event that began in 1988 at the behest of the Commercial and Investment Division (CID) of the Greater Baton Rouge Association of Realtors and the Louisiana State University Real Estate Research Institute (RERI). The seminar’s mission is to offer assessments of local real estate and present informed forecasts on the industry’s future.

As a supporter of TRENDS, the CID encourages commercial realtors and appraisers to promote a sense of unity and enhance its integrity, experience, and quality orientation. The group organizes quarterly lunches to publicize this knowledge. 

The other founder, RERI, uses grants and private donations to identify Louisiana market trends that will benefit the expansion of commercial activity. 

The 2019 TRENDS meeting, held on April 30, featured a keynote address by Dr. Elliott Eisenberg, previously a senior economist of the National Association of Home Builders in Washington, D.C. His areas of expertise include forecasting, government regulations, and derivatives.